sidᴲ ᴲffᴲcts

(either do as you can, or can as you do)

Author: paz

  • Let Me Say Goodbye

    Let Me Say Goodbye

    The bad weed seems to always find its wayNo matter what you do to it night or dayDespite of all the care I had of you, my friendwhat possibly could go wrong it did in the end Of all the good deeds none will be forgivenbecause of all the wrong  decisions takenForever isn’t granted to…

  • On Air 107.2

    On Air 107.2

    So it happend that Wednesday night, last week, I found myself invited as a surprise guest of the Room Temperature Sandwich radio show on Air 107.2 Weymouth.

  • Pub poetry, as it were

    Morgan had an orgasmsitting on a high chairin her mahogany gardenin Nottingham-shireShe did have balls, of fire,within her eyes- and I’m telling you no lies -while she was looking fora ocean of creamy cheese spreadbut lost her fingers instead