Tag: live music
On Air 107.2
So it happend that Wednesday night, last week, I found myself invited as a surprise guest of the Room Temperature Sandwich radio show on Air 107.2 Weymouth.
Back in Italy
Di passaggio in Italia, lo scorso inverno, ho avuto il tempo di fermarmi al Winchester Saloon di Trofarello dove, oltre a incontrare i miei amici Laura e Nino, ho avuto l’occasione di cimentarmi sul palco del Open Mic Thursday. Potrei quasi considerarla come la mia prima e ultima “data” all’estero!
If we had made a record, this would be it! We actually did make a record, a CD precisely. Crap, though. The recording sounds terrible, something didn’t work on the stage either and I messed up with the lyrics… Actually, I should have had the decency to hide it on the top shelf of my…