sidᴲ ᴲffᴲcts

(either do as you can, or can as you do)

Tag: live music

  • On Air 107.2

    On Air 107.2

    So it happend that Wednesday night, last week, I found myself invited as a surprise guest of the Room Temperature Sandwich radio show on Air 107.2 Weymouth.

  • Back in Italy

    Di passaggio in Italia, lo scorso inverno, ho avuto il tempo di fermarmi al Winchester Saloon di Trofarello dove, oltre a incontrare i miei amici Laura e Nino, ho avuto l’occasione di cimentarmi sul palco del Open Mic Thursday. Potrei quasi considerarla come la mia prima e ultima “data” all’estero!

  • Aftermath

    If we had made a record, this would be it! We actually did make a record, a CD precisely. Crap, though. The recording sounds terrible, something didn’t work on the stage either and I messed up with the lyrics… Actually, I should have had the decency to hide it on the top shelf of my…