sidᴲ ᴲffᴲcts

(either do as you can, or can as you do)

Tag: pub

  • Pub poetry, as it were

    Morgan had an orgasmsitting on a high chairin her mahogany gardenin Nottingham-shireShe did have balls, of fire,within her eyes- and I’m telling you no lies -while she was looking fora ocean of creamy cheese spreadbut lost her fingers instead

  • Back in Italy

    Di passaggio in Italia, lo scorso inverno, ho avuto il tempo di fermarmi al Winchester Saloon di Trofarello dove, oltre a incontrare i miei amici Laura e Nino, ho avuto l’occasione di cimentarmi sul palco del Open Mic Thursday. Potrei quasi considerarla come la mia prima e ultima “data” all’estero!